University of Alberta

University of Alberta
Scientific, Seminar
Geometry and Physics Seminar: James Lewis
March 12, 2014
University of Alberta
Based on some recent joint work of J. Lewis, and others, we formulate a variation of the Beilinson-Hodge conjecture pertaining to varieties defined over the complex numbers. In this talk, we explain the motivation for this conjecture, and some...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Ming Mei
March 14, 2014
University of Alberta
In this talk we study the Cauchy problem for 1-D Euler-Poisson system, which represents a physically relevant hydrodynamic model but also a challenging case for a bipolar semiconductor device by considering two different pressure functions and a non...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Yi Shen
March 28, 2014
University of Alberta
Methods based on L1-relaxation are popular for sparse regression in high dimensions. Elastic Net Regularization is an algorithm for learning and variable selection. It is based on a regularized least square procedure with a penalty which is the sum...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Martin Buhmann
March 21, 2014
University of Alberta
In this talk we give a review of the approach to multivariable interpolation and approximation using radial basis functions. They are most popular in theory and applications because they provide approximants and interpolants in any space dimension...
Scientific, Seminar
Geometry and Physics Seminar: Xiaowei Wang
April 4, 2014
University of Alberta
In order to construct the moduli space of canonical polarized manifolds, three different stability conditions have been introduced, namely, KSBA-stability, K-stabilty and asymptotic GIT stability. In this talk, we try to explore the relations among...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Young-Heon Kim
May 21, 2014
University of Alberta
Optimal partial transport is a variant of optimal transport theory, where only a portion of mass is to be transported in an efficient way. It was initially studied by Caffarelli and McCann. I will explain a joint work in progress with Gonzalo Davila...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Roman Cherniha
May 21, 2014
University of Alberta
Peritoneal dialysis is a life saving treatment for chronic patients with end stage renal disease. The peritoneal cavity, an empty space that separates bowels, abdominal muscles and other organs in the abdominal cavity, is applied as a container for...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Freddy Delbaen
May 22, 2014
University of Alberta
Monetary utility functions are -- except for the expected value -- not of von Neumann-Morgenstern type. In case the utility function has convex level sets in the set of probability measures on the real line, we can give some characterisation that...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director (Interim) - University of Alberta Eric Woolgar CAB669
Site Administrator Kimberley Wilke-Budinski (780) 492-4217 CAB 632F
PIMS Site Director - University of Alberta Thomas Hillen CAB 611
Science Instructor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences Trevor Pasanen
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Daniyar Omarov University of Alberta Optimal Transportation Brendan Pass 2024
Jin-Cheng Guu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Algebra, Number Theory & Mathematical Physics Terry Gannon 2024
Canon Sun PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Quantum Theory Joseph Maciejko 2023
Eugene Bilokopytov PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Functional Analysis & Theory of Operators Vladimir Troitsky 2023
Jyoti Bhadana PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Probability Theory Michael Kouritzin 2022
Jesse Huang University of Alberta Algebraic geometry David Favero 2021
Raphaël Belliard Postdoctoral Researcher Mathematical Physics Vincent Bouchard 2021
Reinier Kramer Postdoctoral Researcher Algebraic Geometry Vincent Bouchard 2021
Andrew Schopieray University of Alberta Category theory, homological algebra Terry Gannon 2020
Chandra Rajulapati University of Saskatchewan Global Water Fund John Pomeroy 2019
Sergii Myroshnychenko Convex Geometry Convex and discrete geometry Vladyslav Yaskin 2019
Shirou Wang University of Alberta Probability Yingfei Yi 2019
Rotislav Devatov University of Alberta Algebraic Geometry Nikita Karpenko 2018
Steven Scully University of Alberta Algebraic Geometry Arturo Pianzola 2017
Ariana Bianchi University of Alberta Applied PDEs Thomas Hillen 2016
Taiki Shibata University of Alberta Nonassociative rings and algebras Arturo Pianzola 2016
Aghil Alaee Khanga University of Alberta Relativity and Gravitational Theory/DIfferential Gemetry 2015
Dinakar Muthiah University of Alberta Topological groups, Lie groups Manish Patnaik 2015
Johanna Hennig University of Alberta Nonassociative rings and algebras Arturo Pianzola 2015
Jaegil Kim University of Alberta Problems related to the duality in Convex Geometry, Geometric Tomography, and Functional Analysis Vladyslav Yaskin 2014
Juliette Bouhours University of Alberta PDE & Biology and other natural sciences Mark Lewis 2014
Stephen Scully Assistant professor of Mathematics, University of Victoria Field theory and polynomials; Algebraic geometry Nikita Karpenko 2014