2007 2010


This will be a multidisciplinary effort bringing together mathematicians and earth/ocean scientists to understand some of the many outstanding problems in climate modelling and numerical weather prediction. Particular emphasis will be placed on multiscale processes in the tropics, looking to bridge the gap between idealized models and the general circulation models used by government forecasters. One of the main objectives is to provide a venue for mathematicians and atmospheric scientists to interact, as well as to train young researchers in a fully interdisciplinary setting. It is based at UVic, the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCMA), SFU, UA and UBC, with the participation of Austin (UBC), Bush (UA), Khouider (UVic), McFarlane (CCCMA), Merryfield (CCCMA), Monahan (UVic), Muraki (SFU), Scinocca (CCCMA), Sutherland (UA), von Salzen (CCCMA) and Weaver (UVic).

Scientific Activities

Summer School Stochastic and Probabilistic methods for atmosphere, ocean, and climate dynamics
University of Victoria, July 14-18, 2008.

This PIMS summer school is intended for graduate students, post-docs, and young researchers in applied math and atmosphere/ocean sciences who are interested in the application of stochastic and probabilistic modelling and analysis techniques for atmosphere/ocean dynamics.


Workshop Stochastic and Probabilistic methods for atmosphere, ocean, and climate dynamics
University of Victoria, July 21-23, 2008.

This PIMS workshop is intended for graduate students, post-docs, and young researchers in applied math and atmosphere/ocean sciences who are interested in the application of stochastic and probabilistic modelling and analysis techniques for atmosphere/ocean dynamics.


Tropical multiscale convective systems: Theory, modeling, and observations
University of Victoria, July 30 to August 3, 2007.

The CRG on Mathematical Problems in Climate Modelling will host a summer school at the Univiersity of Victoria. This event is a 3-day summer school (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) followed by a 2-day workshop (Thursday, Friday). The aim is to bring university researchers in applied math, physics, or meteorology departments working in the area of tropical meteorology together with government lab scientists working on operational weather and climate forecast models to foster interactions between the two communities.