PIMS Research Networks Application Instructons

The PIMS Research Network (PRN) program builds on the success of the CRG program as well as the Postdoctoral Training Center in Stochastics (PTCS) and the International Graduate Training Centre (IGTC) initiatives. PRNs are designed to build bridges between research areas in academia, industry and the public sector. They are designed to go above and beyond the CRG mission by combining research, training, and crucially, strong external partnerships.


The PRN program is designed to help the mathematical sciences community in western Canada address grand challenges like the ongoing climate emergency, sustainable resource management, resilience to future epidemics, fairness and justice in human society, all of which require collaborative innovation from the mathematical sciences.


A PRN is a group of researchers from the PIMS network who work on problems of potential broad interest across the network. PRNs are expected to secure additional external funding from domestic or international partners in the industrial or government sectors. They are designed to bring together experts from multiple institutions to address a topic of broad and timely interest.


Program Basics

  • PRNs will have leadership drawn from across the PIMS network.
  • Baseline support for a PRN will be \$100,000 per year for three years. PIMS will match up to $50,000 per year in contributions from the PRN external partner.
  • PRNs will recruit PDFs and organize scientific events, with a focus on EDI and vertical integration through mentorship and career building.
  • PRNs will offer Network Wide Courses and organize summer-schools to introduce graduate students and early-career researchers to the topic of the PRN.


Application Process

Similar to the CRG program, application is through a two stage process with final funding recommendations being made by the PIMS Scientific Review Panel (SRP).


Stage 1: Letter of Intent (LOI)

The first stage in the process is the submission of a Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI should be a 5 page overview of the proposed PRN, following the general format requested on the Funding Opportunities page (i.e. including the details requested in the table on that page), but also including the following information:


External Partners Details of the proposed partners from the industrial and governmental sectors. Key personnel should be identified and estimates of the support levels should be given.
PIMS Participants Provide short biographies for each of the lead investigators from PIMS member universities and indicate their roles in the PRN.
Objectives A two page summary (including key references) of the mathematical background and key objectives of the collaboration
Impact Provide a short summary of the expected impact of the PRN for each of the partner organizations.
Proposed Activities Provide a summary of the proposed major activities for the PRN such as conferences, summer schools or other events. Include an approximate budget allocation for each item in your itemized budget and indicate any additional sources of funding or connections with other PIMS initiatives.


The LOI should be submitted to the Scientific Review Panel through the our call for proposals. Please see that page for deadlines and other submission details.

LOIs are evaluated by the SRP on the criteria listed on the call for proposals page and their potential impact across the PIMS network, and in the areas in the table above. Approved LOI's are invited to submit a full proposal (stage 2) in the following year.


Stage 2: Full Proposal

Applicants are advised in December of the status of their LOI. Successful LOI proposals are invited to submit a full application in the SRP competition for the following year. The SRP and PIMS directorship will offer feedback which should be incorporated into the full application. In the interim, applicants will be eligible to apply for a $5000 CRG development grant to organize an event or PI-summit.

A Full Proposal expands the information contained in the LOI to 10 - 12 pages. Additionally, it must contain a precise calendar of events, a detailed budget, and a 1 paragraph executive summary. Applicants are encouraged to work with PIMS staff to explore potential event schedules and budgets.

PRN applications are evaluated on the criteria given on the funding opportunities page, with special consideration of their:

  • Feasibility
    • Provides a cohesive, uniting theme.
    • Projected impact is commensurate with funding amount requested.
    • Concerns raised at the LOI stage have been fully addressed.
  • Impact:
    • Will develop a lasting robust network beyond the funding period.
    • Mathematical content and timeliness of the subject.
    • Relevance to PIMS members.
  • Partnerships:
    • Funding secured from external industrial, governmental or scientific partners.
    • Bridges between research groups in academia, industry and the public sector.
  • Activities
    • Events are spread across PIMS sites
    • Plans for network-wide courses, summer schools and seminars.
    • Plans for activities which integrate mathematical scientists at all career levels.
    • Consideration of diversity, equity and inclusion across all aspects of the PRN.

The full proposal should be submitted to the Scientific Review Panel through the existing call for proposals. Please see that page for deadlines and other submission details.