2016 2019

This three-year long CRG aims to enhance connections and stimulate collaborations among the mathematicians at the four institutions (the Australian National University, the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, the University of British Columbia and the University of Washington) and beyond. Involvement of young researchers and training of graduate students constitutes a major component of the CRG. The idea of sending people, especially postdocs and students, to different places for a relatively long stay (one to three months) is new and exciting, and can be very productive. Summer schools and conferences will be organized in Beijing, Canberra, Seattle and Vancouver. Research connections will focus on, but will not be limited to, the following main themes:


  1. Geometric variational problems - minimal surfaces, harmonic maps and their applications
  2. Geometric evolution equations - mean curvature flow, Ricci flow and other curvature flows
  3. Complex differential geometry
  4. Mathematical general relativity
  5. Nonlinear PDEs - the Monge-Ampere equation, the special Lagrangian equation.



  • Australian National University: Ben Andrews, Xujia Wang, Neil Trudinger
  • Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research: Gang Tian, Yuguang Shi, Xiaohua Zhu
  • University of British Columbia: Albert Chau, Jingyi Chen, Ailana Fraser
  • University of Washington: John Lee, Dan Pollack, Robin Graham, Yu Yuan


Planned Activities:

2016 Activities:

  • March - April: Distinguished Visitor: Tobias Lamm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology at UBC
  • June 26 - July 7: Perspectives in Geometric Analysis, at the Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research
  • Post Doctorate Fellows: Tobias Huxol and Nicolau Aiex, both at UBC

2017 Activities:

2018  Activities:

2019  Activities: