2007 2010


The eventual goal of this project is to develop a multi-site, distributed environmetrics research centre. The main research themes are: statistical and deterministic models in georisk analysis; modelling space-time fields; agroclimate risk analysis; environmental quality assessment, with emphasis on water and linkages to agriculture and species at risk; and modeling changes in the diversity and structure of forests as a consequence of climate change. This project will enable the strong statistics community in the Pacific Northwest to address important environmental questions where deterministic and statistical models are critically important. It is based at UW, UBC and SFU, with the participation of:

Bingham (SFU), Brauer (UBC), Braun (U Western Ontario), Brillinger (UC Berkeley), Campbell (UBC), Dean (SFU), El-Shaarawi (McMaster), Esterby (UBC Okanagan), Gill (UBC Okanagan), Guttorp (UW), Hawkins (UNBC), He (UA), Heckman (UBC), Hergel (Duke U), Johnson (UC), Lindgren (Lend U), Le (UBC), Loeppky (UBC Okanagan), Martell (U Toronto), Nathoo (UVic), Petkau (UBC), Ramsey (McGill), Reed (UVic), Routledge (SFU), Sampson (UW), Schwartz (SFU), Shen (San Diego), Steyn (UBC), Welch (UBC), and Zidek (UBC)

