University of Alberta

University of Alberta
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: André Fortin
March 15, 2013
University of Alberta
Industrial partners often have very high expectations concerning numerical modeling: accuracy, efficiency, robustness and, whenever possible, low computation costs and this, for very complex problems. In the last few years, we have concentrated our...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Xinwei Yu
March 22, 2013
University of Alberta
Ferrohydrodynamics describes the dynamics of ferrofluids -- colloids with nano-sized magnetic particles. Since its discovery in the 1960s, such fluids have found many applications in science and engineering. On the other hand, the physical modeling...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Francois Gay-Balmaz
April 3, 2013
University of Alberta
There are two competing descriptions of nematic liquid crystaldynamics: the Ericksen-Leslie director theory and the Eringenmicropolar approach. Up to this day, these two descriptions haveremained distinct in spite of several attempts to show that...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Lizheng Tao
May 7, 2013
University of Alberta
In this talk, we will focus on the global regularity problem concerning some generalized versions of the Boussinesq system. The problems are raised from a group of dissipative operators which are in the slightly super-critical regime. A generalized...
Scientific, Conference
String Math Conference - 2014
June 9–13, 2014
University of Alberta
The main goal of the conference is to bring together mathematicians and physicists who work on ideas related to string theory. String theory, as well as quantum field theory, has contributed a series of profound ideas which gave rise to entirely new...
Scientific, Seminar
Geometry and Physics Seminar: Simon Wood
October 2, 2013
University of Alberta
The extended W-algebra of type sl_2 at positive rational level is a vertex operator algebra that is of great interest in logarithmic conformal field theory. In this talk I will give an overview of how it is constructed as a subvertex operator algebra...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Gantumur Tsogtgerel
October 25, 2013
University of Alberta
In this talk I will present some recent results on the conformal formulations of the Einstein constraint equations on compact manifolds with boundary. This is an important problem in general relativity, and it is particularly important in numerical...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS / AMI Seminar: Francois Gay-Balmaz
November 1, 2013
University of Alberta
Recently, a new approach for the numerical discretization of the Euler equations of an ideal fluid has been developed. It is based on a spatial discretization of the group of volume preserving diffeomorphisms of the fluid's domain by means of a Lie...
Scientific, Seminar
Geometry and Physics Seminar: Francois Gay-Balmaz
October 30, 2013
University of Alberta
Motivated partly by previous work on the zero curvature representation (ZCR) of completely integrable chiral models and partly by the underlying Hamiltonian structures of ideal complex fluids, we derive systems of partial differential equations...
Scientific, Seminar
Geometry and Physics Seminar: Alan Thompson
November 6, 2013
University of Alberta
The concept of lattice polarization for a K3 surface was first introduced by Nikulin. I will discuss ways in which his definition can be extended to families of K3 surfaces over a (not necessarily simply connected) base curve, with the aim of gaining...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director (Interim) - University of Alberta Eric Woolgar CAB669
Site Administrator Kimberley Wilke-Budinski (780) 492-4217 CAB 632F
PIMS Site Director - University of Alberta Thomas Hillen CAB 611
Science Instructor, Faculty of Science - Mathematics & Statistical Sciences Trevor Pasanen
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Daniyar Omarov University of Alberta Optimal Transportation Brendan Pass 2024
Jin-Cheng Guu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Algebra, Number Theory & Mathematical Physics Terry Gannon 2024
Canon Sun PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Quantum Theory Joseph Maciejko 2023
Eugene Bilokopytov PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Functional Analysis & Theory of Operators Vladimir Troitsky 2023
Jyoti Bhadana PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta Probability Theory Michael Kouritzin 2022
Jesse Huang University of Alberta Algebraic geometry David Favero 2021
Raphaël Belliard Postdoctoral Researcher Mathematical Physics Vincent Bouchard 2021
Reinier Kramer Postdoctoral Researcher Algebraic Geometry Vincent Bouchard 2021
Andrew Schopieray University of Alberta Category theory, homological algebra Terry Gannon 2020
Chandra Rajulapati University of Saskatchewan Global Water Fund John Pomeroy 2019
Sergii Myroshnychenko Convex Geometry Convex and discrete geometry Vladyslav Yaskin 2019
Shirou Wang University of Alberta Probability Yingfei Yi 2019
Rotislav Devatov University of Alberta Algebraic Geometry Nikita Karpenko 2018
Steven Scully University of Alberta Algebraic Geometry Arturo Pianzola 2017
Ariana Bianchi University of Alberta Applied PDEs Thomas Hillen 2016
Taiki Shibata University of Alberta Nonassociative rings and algebras Arturo Pianzola 2016
Aghil Alaee Khanga University of Alberta Relativity and Gravitational Theory/DIfferential Gemetry 2015
Dinakar Muthiah University of Alberta Topological groups, Lie groups Manish Patnaik 2015
Johanna Hennig University of Alberta Nonassociative rings and algebras Arturo Pianzola 2015
Jaegil Kim University of Alberta Problems related to the duality in Convex Geometry, Geometric Tomography, and Functional Analysis Vladyslav Yaskin 2014
Juliette Bouhours University of Alberta PDE & Biology and other natural sciences Mark Lewis 2014
Stephen Scully Assistant professor of Mathematics, University of Victoria Field theory and polynomials; Algebraic geometry Nikita Karpenko 2014