Past/Retired Scientific Programs

PIMS continually evaluates our programs to suit the changing needs of our community. As new programs are introduced, some existing programs are retired. The programs listed below are not currently active, but are archived here as a record of past activities and to provide access to the valuable resources associated with them.

Our Retired Programs

Postdoctoral Training Center in Statistics (PTCS)
In 2015, PIMS was been pleased to receive renewed funding to the amount of \$7.45 million from both NSERC and the Alberta Government. As part of this funding, PIMS launched the PIMS Postdoctoral Training Centre in Stochastics (PTCS). PIMS has world...
Focus Periods
The most intensive research activities of PIMS are the Focus Periods, each covering a specific but substantial area of research in the mathematical sciences, with participants ranging from students to world experts. These programs consist of a group...
Research Impacts
Image Denoising Using Block Matching Tensor Approximation (BMTA) Elena Braverman (University of Calgary) Bin Han (University of Alberta) Yi Shen (University of Calgary and University of Alberta) ... Figure 1: (a) Original color image of kodim03, (b)...