
The Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) has partnered with Springer for publication of proceedings volumes resulting from activities with the institute. Publishing with Springer in their Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (PROMS) series ensures that all volumes remain in print indefinitely, and also allows for them to be published in high-quality digital versions. This partnership grants us wide distribution and marketing as well.

Editors are requested to send us a book proposal with a tentative list of authors who have either agreed to contribute an article to the volume or are very likely to do so, as well as a title but preferably also a short description of the proposed lecture/article of contributing authors. Ideally, these volumes will have between 280 and 500 pages, with an absolute minimum of 150.

Proposal forms are available for download here:

After preliminary acceptance, Editors should follow these steps in carrying out the editing process:

  1. The editors issue a call for papers. It is vital that all potential authors follow the Springer guidelines for Book Authors and Editors when preparing their articles, including the use of the Springer macro package.
  2. Authors send a copy of their paper to the Editors for refereeing; the Editors send them out for refereeing.
  3. Editors accept or reject individual articles based on the result of refereeing; collects the “final versions” of all articles and referees' reports and sends to the Managing Editor for final approval of the volume.
  4. After final approval, Editors should obtaining signed Consent to Publish forms for each submission and send them to the managing editor. Only the corresponding author is required to sign. NOTE: all forms must be received before final submission to Springer.
  5. Prepare a list of author addresses, phone number and email addresses. This is for the purpose of mailing complimentary copies.
  6. Prepare a Preface and Table of Contents with the corresponding author for each submission.
  7. Prepare the Marketing Questionnaire for the volume. Only information for Editors need to be provided.
  8. Collect all the source files for each submission and send directly to Springer. The Editor must send a pdf of the submission along with the dvi and tex/graphics files for each submission. The Preface, Table of Contents, Marketing Questionnaire, and List of authors addresses must also be included.