University of Washington

The University of Washington PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics at (Padleford building) the University of Washington (Map).

University of Washington
Scientific, Seminar
Abelian Varieties Multi-Site Seminar Series: Bianca Viray
November 12, 2015
University of Washington
Igusa class polynomials are the genus 2 analogue of Hilbert class polynomials; their roots are invariants of genus 2 curves that have complex multiplication by a fixed order. The coefficients of Igusa class polynomials are rational, but, unlike in...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Catherine Williams
May 8, 2015
University of Washington
The online advertising industry is a rich environment for novel mathematical problems at the intersection of technology and theory. After introducing myself, AppNexus, and how I came to have my role there after having studied differential geometry...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Mark Rudelson
February 20, 2015
University of Washington
Random matrix theory studies the asymptotics of the spectral distributions of families of random matrices, as the sizes of the matrices tend to infinity. Derivation such asymptotics frequently requires analyzing the spectral properties of random...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Lauren Williams
March 6, 2015
University of Washington
The positive Grassmannian is a remarkable subset of the real Grassmannian which has recently arisen in diverse contexts such as integrable systems, scattering amplitudes, and free probability. I will provide an elementary introduction to the positive...
Scientific, Seminar
CORE Seminar: Joel Tropp
April 28, 2015
University of Washington
Ran­dom matri­ces now play a role in many areas of the­o­ret­i­cal, applied, and com­pu­ta­tional math­e­mat­ics. There­fore, it is desir­able to have tools for study­ing ran­dom matri­ces that are flex­i­ble, easy to use, and pow­er­ful. Over the...
Scientific, Seminar
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Michelle Wachs
May 1, 2015
University of Washington
The Eulerian polynomials, which were introduced by Euler over 200 years ago, are pervasive throughout discrete mathematics and arise in a variety of surprising ways. Over the years generalizations and q-analogs possessing fundamental properties of...
Scientific, Seminar
CORE Seminar: Michael Over­ton
October 13, 2015
University of Washington
In many appli­ca­tions one wishes to min­i­mize an objec­tive func­tion that is not con­vex and is not dif­fer­en­tiable at its min­i­miz­ers. We dis­cuss two algo­rithms for min­i­miza­tion of non­smooth, non­con­vex func­tions. Gra­di­ent Sam­pling...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Amnon Yekutieli
October 2, 2015
University of Washington
Nonabelian multiplicative integration on curves is a classical theory, going back to Volterra in the 19th century. In differential geometry this operation can be interpreted as the holonomy of a connection along a curve. In probability theory this is...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
UW-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Ivan Corwin
October 16, 2015
University of Washington
In a simple symmetric random walk on Z a particle jumps left or right with 50% chance independently at each time and space location. What if the jump probabilities are taken to be random themselves (e.g. uniformly distributed between 0% and 100%)? In...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director, University of Washington Jayadev Athreya +1 (206) 616-2481 C-419, Padelford Hall
Site Administrator - University of Washington Michael Munz +1 (206) 543-0397
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Pawel Morzywolek PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Alex Luedtke 2024
Anastassiya Semenova PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Applied mathematics and nonlinear science Bernard Deconinck 2023
Daniel Kessler PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Daniela Witten 2023
Samuel Van Fleet PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Numerical Analysis and PDE Jingwei Hu 2023
Amrei Oswald Postdoctoral Researcher Non-commutative Algebra James Zhang 2022
Shiping Cao Postdoctoral Researcher Fractals Zhen-Qing Chen 2022
Xiaowen Zhu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Mathematical Physics Alexis Drout 2022
Jesse Daniel Raffa University of Washington Statistics Elizabeth A. Thompson 2014
Nicholas W. Reichert University of Washington Partial Differential Equations Robin Graham 2014