University of Washington

The University of Washington PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics at (Padleford building) the University of Washington (Map).

University of Washington
Scientific, Seminar
UW Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Arun Kannan
January 24, 2024
University of Washington
In 1959, Farahat and Higman showed a remarkable property about the symmetric group: the structure constants for the center of the group algebra Sn depend polynomially on n and that there exists an infinite-dimensional algebra, which we call the...
Scientific, Seminar
UW Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Danai Deligeorgaki
January 17, 2024
University of Washington
The central objects in this talk are the descent polynomials of colored permutations on multisets, referred to as colored multiset Eulerian polynomials. These polynomials generalize the colored Eulerian polynomials that appear frequently in algebraic...
Scientific, Seminar
UW Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar: Gaku Liu
January 10, 2024
University of Washington
In this talk I will describe the first general construction of regular unimodular triangulations for matroid base polytopes. This construction extends to all integral generalized permutahedra. I will also discuss how this relates to White's...
Scientific, Colloquia
UWashington-PIMS Mathematics Colloquium: Katherine E. Stange
December 1, 2023
University of Washington
Primitive integral Apollonian circle packings are fractal arrangements of tangent circles with integer curvatures. The curvatures form an orbit of a 'thin group,' a subgroup of an arithmetic group having infinite index in its Zariski closure. The...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS-UWashington Mathematics Colloquium: Courtney Paquette
November 17, 2023
University of Washington
Modern machine learning (ML) applications grapple with the challenges posed by high-dimensional datasets and high-dimensional parameter spaces. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) and its variants have emerged as the go-to algorithms for optimizing in...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS-UWashington Mathematics Colloquium: Alex Kontorovich
November 2, 2023
University of Washington
Recent decades have seen a lot of progress in the "orbital circle method" attacking classical problems from dynamics, geometry, and number theory under the umbrella of "thin groups". There was always a danger that the circle method was too crude a...
Scientific, Seminar
Pacific Northwest Probability Seminar
November 4, 2023
University of Washington
The Birnbaum Lecture in Probability will be delivered by Robin Pemantle (University of Pennsylvania) in 2023. Northwest Probability Seminars are mini-conferences held at the University of Washington and organized in collaboration with the Oregon...
Scientific, Colloquia
PIMS-UWashington Mathematics Colloquium: Mihnea Popa
October 13, 2023
University of Washington
A basic question in algebraic geometry is whether there can be any non-constant maps between (smooth, projective) varieties of different types. I will explain some basic and some more sophisticated obstructions to the existence of such maps, mostly...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director, University of Washington Jayadev Athreya +1 (206) 616-2481 C-419, Padelford Hall
Site Administrator - University of Washington Michael Munz +1 (206) 543-0397
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Pawel Morzywolek PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Alex Luedtke 2024
Anastassiya Semenova PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Applied mathematics and nonlinear science Bernard Deconinck 2023
Daniel Kessler PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Statistics Daniela Witten 2023
Samuel Van Fleet PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Numerical Analysis and PDE Jingwei Hu 2023
Amrei Oswald Postdoctoral Researcher Non-commutative Algebra James Zhang 2022
Shiping Cao Postdoctoral Researcher Fractals Zhen-Qing Chen 2022
Xiaowen Zhu PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington Mathematical Physics Alexis Drout 2022
Jesse Daniel Raffa University of Washington Statistics Elizabeth A. Thompson 2014
Nicholas W. Reichert University of Washington Partial Differential Equations Robin Graham 2014