University of Victoria

The University of Victoria PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Social Sciences and Mathematics building) at the University of Victoria (Map).

PIMS University of Victoria
Scientific, Seminar
UVictoria Discrete Math Seminar: Jing Huang
September 26, 2024
University of Victoria
Strong cocomparability graphs are the reflexive graphs whose adjacency matrix can be rearranged by a simultaneous row and column permutation to avoid the submatrix with rows 01, 10. Strong cocomparability graphs form a subclass of cocomparability...
Scientific, Seminar
UVictoria Discrete Math Seminar: Marco Caoduro
September 19, 2024
University of Victoria
The boxicity of a graph G is a key graph parameter introduced by Roberts in 1969. It represents the minimum dimension d such that G can be realized as the intersection graph of a family of axis-parallel boxes in R^d. Boxicity is an important measure...
Scientific, Seminar
UVictoria Discrete Math Seminar: Amarpreet Rattan
September 12, 2024
University of Victoria
Counting lattice paths with unit up and right steps beginning at the origin that are somehow constrained by a boundary is an old problem. When the boundary is the line y=x the celebrated Chung-Feller theorem states the number of paths having k flaws...
Scientific, Seminar
UVictoria Probability and Dynamics Seminar: Vicente Lenz
September 4, 2024
University of Victoria
We analyse the metastable behaviour of the disordered Curie-Weiss-Potts (DCWP) model subject to a Glauber dynamics. The model is a randomly disordered version of the mean-field q-spin Potts model (CWP), where the interaction coefficients between...
Scientific, Seminar
UVictoria Probability and Dynamics Seminar: Sayan Das
September 5, 2024
University of Victoria
The directed landscape is a random directed metric on the plane that arises as a scaling limit of a classical metric models in the KPZ universality class. In this talk, we will discuss a functional large deviation principle (LDP) for the entire...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Bruce Reed
July 18, 2024
University of Victoria
A proper conflict-free colouring of a graph is a (vertex-)colouring with no monochromatic edges such that for every nonisolated vertex v, the neighbourhood N(v) contains a vertex w coloured with a colour not appearing on N(v)-{w}. For a real number h...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Amarpreet Rattan
May 16, 2024
University of Victoria
For fixed n, consider the symmetric group S_n on the symbols 1,...,n and the set of *star* transpositions, the transpositions that contain the symbol n. A *star factorization* of a permutation b in S_n of length k is the writing of b as the product...
Scientific, Seminar
UVic Frontiers in Mathematical Modeling
February 17–18, 2024
University of Victoria
In recognition of Rod Edwards’ remarkable contributions to the field of Mathematical Modeling, we are inviting Rod’s current and former students, postdocs, close collaborators, friends and colleagues to attend this event, scheduled to take place on...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Daniel Král'
May 7, 2024
University of Victoria
The theory of combinatorial limits, which provides analytic tools to represent and study large discrete structures, resulted in new views on a wide range of topics in mathematics and computer science and also opened new connections between...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Victoria Anthony Quas (250) 472-4271
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Victoria Jane Butterfield TDB-A445
Site Administrator - University of Victoria Kristina McKinnon +1 (250) 472-4271 DTB-A425
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Felix Christian Clemen PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Combinatorics Natasha Morrison 2024
Tianxia (Tylar) Jia PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Applied Mathematics, PDE & Meteorology Slim Ibrahim 2024
Kesav Krishnan PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Gourab Ray 2023
Kristýna Zemková PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta/University of Victoria Linear and Multilinear Algebra Stefan Gille 2022
Kumar Roy PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Mathematical Physics Boualem Khouider 2022
Elizabeth Carlson PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Partial Differential Equations David Goluskin 2021
Natalie Behague PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Combinatorics Natasha Morrison 2021
Shangzhi Zeng Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Victoria Operations research, Mathematical Programming Jane J. Ye 2020
Jason Bramburger University of Victoria Dynamical systems and ergodic theory David Goluskin 2019
Boyi Li University of Victoria Operator Theory Marcelo Laca 2018
Hung Le University of Victoria Computer Science Valerie King 2018
Yakine Bahri University of Victoria Nonlinear PDEs Slim Ibrahim 2017
Diego Vela University of Victoria Topology Ryan Budney 2015
Elsa Maria Dos Santos Cardoso-Bihlo University of Victoria Fluid mechanics/Numerical Analysis Boualem Khouider 2015