University of Victoria

The University of Victoria PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Social Sciences and Mathematics building) at the University of Victoria (Map).

PIMS University of Victoria
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UVic Hugh Morris Lecture: Gerta Keller
July 24, 2019
University of Victoria
For the past 40 years the demise of the dinosaurs has been attributed to an asteroid impact on Yucatan, a theory that is imaginative, popular and even sexy. From the very beginning, scientists who doubted this theory were threatened into silence or...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS Distinguished Lecturer: Professor Charles R. Doering
September 20, 2019
University of Victoria
ABSTRACT: Optimization and optimal dynamical control are used to investigate the accuracy of analytical estimates for solutions of some basic nonlinear partial differential equations of mathematical hydrodynamics. Even though many mathematical...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS- UVictoria Distinguished Lecture: Caroline Colijn
October 24, 2019
University of Victoria
Improvements in sequencing technology mean that we have rich data on how infections evolve and spread. In this talk I will describe two settings where this calls for new mathematics. Trees -- in the sense of graphs with no cycles -- are a cornerstone...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UVictoria Public Lecture: Caroline Colijn
October 25, 2019
University of Victoria
New kinds of data are giving rise to exciting new opportunities in public health. The recent revolution in DNA sequencing means that for the first time, we can read the sequences of viruses and bacteria that cause human disease. This allows us to...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS - UVictoria Distinguished Lecture: Raphael Gottardo
November 21, 2019
University of Victoria
New single-cell technologies such as single-cell RNA-seq and high-dimensional flow cytometry enable the unprecedented interrogation of single-cell phenotypes (and functions) under various biological conditions. A common statistical problem is the...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UVic Distinguished Colloquium: Soumik Pal
February 7, 2020
University of Victoria
**This event has been rescheduled from January 16 to February 7th** A large part of stochastic portfolio theory, as initiated by Robert Fernholz in the 1990s, is concerned with construction of practical equity portfolios that can beat the stock...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UVic Distinguished Colloquium: Natalia L. Komarova
January 24, 2020
University of Victoria
Understanding how environmental randomness affects evolution is of fundamental importance for biology. The presence of temporal or spatial randomness significantly affects the competition dynamics in populations and gives rise to some...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - UVic Distinguished Colloquium: Nancy Flournoy (Cancelled)
March 26, 2020
University of Victoria
Phase I clinical trials explore the toxicity of new therapeutic agents. Phase II trials seek to establish some sign of efficacy. But practical applications vary creating a suite of statistical expressions for these trials’ goals and objectives. There...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-UVic Discrete Math Seminar: Debra Boutin
October 29, 2020
University of Victoria
The distinguishing number of a graph is the smallest number of colors necessary to color the vertices so that no nontrivial automorphism preserves the color classes. If a graph can be distinguished with two colors, the distinguishing cost is the...
Scientific, Public Lecture
UVic Mathematics of Ethical Decision Making Series
February 9, 2023
University of Victoria
Join us for this event, part of the Seminar Series: Mathematics of Ethical Decision-making Systems. Agenda 3:00pm Dr. Midori Ogasawara, the social consequences of surveillance and data collection. 3:30pm Break for refreshments 4:00pm Patricia Cochran...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Victoria Anthony Quas (250) 472-4271
PIMS Education Coordinator, University of Victoria Jane Butterfield TDB-A445
Site Administrator - University of Victoria Kristina McKinnon +1 (250) 472-4271 DTB-A425
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Felix Christian Clemen PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Combinatorics Natasha Morrison 2024
Tianxia (Tylar) Jia PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Applied Mathematics, PDE & Meteorology Slim Ibrahim 2024
Kesav Krishnan PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes Gourab Ray 2023
Kristýna Zemková PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta/University of Victoria Linear and Multilinear Algebra Stefan Gille 2022
Kumar Roy PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Mathematical Physics Boualem Khouider 2022
Elizabeth Carlson PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Partial Differential Equations David Goluskin 2021
Natalie Behague PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Victoria Combinatorics Natasha Morrison 2021
Shangzhi Zeng Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Victoria Operations research, Mathematical Programming Jane J. Ye 2020
Jason Bramburger University of Victoria Dynamical systems and ergodic theory David Goluskin 2019
Boyi Li University of Victoria Operator Theory Marcelo Laca 2018
Hung Le University of Victoria Computer Science Valerie King 2018
Yakine Bahri University of Victoria Nonlinear PDEs Slim Ibrahim 2017
Diego Vela University of Victoria Topology Ryan Budney 2015
Elsa Maria Dos Santos Cardoso-Bihlo University of Victoria Fluid mechanics/Numerical Analysis Boualem Khouider 2015