University of Lethbridge

The University of Lethbridge PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (University Hall) at the University of Lethbridge.

University of Lethbridge campus
Scientific, Seminar
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
January 16, 2017
University of Lethbridge
Please bring your favourite (math) problems. Anyone with a problem to share will be given about 5 minutes to present it. We will also choose most of the speakers for the rest of the semester. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Scientific, Seminar
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
January 23, 2017
University of Lethbridge
In this talk, we discuss some results on the non-vanishing of the central values of Rankin-Selberg convolutions of families of Hilbert modular forms. Such results are obtained by establishing some asymptotics of certain twisted first and second...
Scientific, Seminar
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar: Nathan Ng
January 24, 2017
University of Lethbridge
Let f be a primitive modular form and L(s) its associated L-function. Anton Good (1982) bounded |L(s)| by approximately the cube root of the distance from the real axis on the line s = 1/2, in the case f is a modular form on the full modular group...
Scientific, Seminar
Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar
April 3, 2017
University of Lethbridge
An "elliptic sequence" is a solution over an arbitrary integral domain of the recursion W(m+n) W(m-n) = W(m+1) W(m-1) W(n)^2 - W(n+1) W(n-1) W(m)^2, where m and n are integers. The theory of integral elliptic sequences was developed by Morgan Ward in...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS Lethbridge Analysis Seminar Series:
March 29, 2017
University of Lethbridge
In this talk, we review some classic iterative processes: Mann iterative process, Ishikawa iterative process, Halpern iterative process, Viscosity iterative process, hybrid projection iterative process, for solutions of operator equations involving...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
University of Lethbridge, Site Administrator Cherie Secrist +1 (403) 329-2470 C526
University of Lethbridge, Education Coordinator Jana Archibald +1 (403) 329-2559 C530
PIMS Site Director - University of Lethbridge Nathan Ng 403-329-5118 UHall C-558
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Emily Quesada-Herrera PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Lethbridge Analytic Number Theory Habiba Kadiri 2024
Abbas Maarefparvar PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Lethbridge Number Theory Amir Akbary 2023
Félix Baril Boudreau PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Lethbridge Number Theory Amir Akbary 2022
Kübra Benli University of Lethbridge Number Theory Habiba Kadiri 2021
Sajad Fathi Hafshejani University of Lethbridge Operations research, Mathematical Programming Sajad Fathi Hafshejani 2020
Zafer Selcuk Aygin Carleton University Number theory Amir Akbary 2019
Lee Troupe University of British Columbia Number Theory Nathan Ng 2018
Peng-Jie Wong University of Lethbridge Number theory Amir Akbary 2017
Niushan Gao Operator Theory Alexey Popov 2016