Simon Fraser University
The Simon Fraser University PIMS site office is located in the Technology and Science Complex (TASC) 2 building on the Burnaby campus of Simon Fraser University (Map).

Industrial, Conference
IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols
Scientific, Conference
2017 SFU Symposium on Mathematics and Computation
A wide overview of mathematical techniques of interest in various big data problems. Organizers: Cedric Chauve, Mathematics - SFU Tamon Stephen, Mathematics - SFU
Scientific, Seminar
UBC/SFU Joint Statistical Seminar
The idea of this event is to offer graduate students in Statistics and Actuarial Science with an opportunity to attend a seminar with accessible talks providing them an introduction to active areas of research in the field. For two students from each...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
2019 Workshop on Testing Gravity
Einsteins theory of General Relativity (GR) works remarkably well on Earth and inside our Solar System. However, there remain significant gaps in our understanding of gravity. One is the long- standing quest for a quantum theory of gravity. The other...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS/CSC Seminar: Vladimir Babeshko
Introduction to the block element method, a new mathematical method based on high-level mathematics. The method is applicable to boundary value problems for partial differential equations and their systems. The method includes a number of other...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS-SFU CSC Seminar: Travis Askham
In the Kirchoff-Love theory, the vertical displacement of a homogeneous, thin clamped plate under pure bending satisfies the biharmonic equation in a two dimensional domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions (the value and normal derivative are...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS/CSC Seminar: Lorenzo Tamellini
In many engineering applications governed by PDEs, the parameters of the equations (coefficients, forcing terms, boundary and initial conditions, shape of the domain) are not known exactly but rather affected by a certain degree of uncertainties, and...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS - SFU CS Seminar: Hongkai Zhao
We characterize the intrinsic complexity of a set S in a metric space W by the least dimension N (epsilon) of a linear space V ⊂ W that can approximate S to an epsilon error. We show a scaling law for N (epsilon) for high frequency wave fields in...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
PIMS - SFU CS Seminar: Andrew J. Bernoff
A wide variety of physical and biological systems can be described as continuum limits of interacting particles. Many of these problems are gradient flows and their dynamics are governed by a monotonically decreasing interaction energy that is often...
Scientific, Seminar
PIMS - SFU CS Seminar: Brian Wetton
I am working with colleagues on several projects modelling Lithium Ion batteries. Experimental results are fit to simple models of performance and ``State of Health”, a vaguely defined measure of the change of battery characteristics with use and age...
Position | Name | Phone # | Office | |
PIMS Site Director - Simon Fraser University | Razvan Fetecau | | (778) 782-6655 | |
PIMS Education Coordinator, Simon Fraser University | Jamie Mulholland | | 778 782 7655 | SCK10541 |
Education Coordinator - Simon Fraser University | Joanna Niezen | | +1 (778) 782 4849 | SCK10502 |
PIMS SFU Site Administrator | Kenn Liu | | +1 (778) 782-6655 | Big Data Hub, Rm 10936 |
Name | Position | Research Interests | Supervisor | Year |
Tareq Uz Zaman | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Applied Mathmatics & PDE | Steven Ruuth | 2025 |
Lucas Villagra Torcomian | PIMS-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Number Theory & Algebraic Geometry | Imin Chen | 2024 |
Yanwen Luo | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Discrete &Computational Geometry | Bojan Mohar | 2023 |
Jane Shaw MacDonald | PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, Simon Fraser University | Numerical Analysis | John Stockie | 2022 |
Amy Wiebe | Postdoctoral Researcher | Combinatorics | Tamon Stephen | 2021 |
Hansol Park | Postdoctoral Researcher | Partial Differential Equations | Razvan Fetecau | 2021 |
Eric Jones | SFU | Calculus of variations and optimal control | David Sivak | 2020 |
Marco Carmosino | Postdoctoral Researcher | Valentine Kabanets | 2019 | |
Shuxing Li | Simon Fraser University | Combinatorics | Jonathan Jedwab | 2019 |
Halyun Jeong | University of British Columbia | High Dimensional Data Analysis | Ben Adcock | 2018 |
Nick Dexter | Simon Fraser University | Numerical Analysis | Ben Adcock | 2018 |
Claire Boyer | Statistics | Ben Adcock | 2016 | |
Mattia Talpo | University of British Columbia | Algebraic Geometry | Nathan Ilten | 2016 |
Simone Brugiapaglia | Simon Fraser University | Stochastics | Ben Adcock | 2016 |
Fiachra John Knox | Simon Fraser University | Combinatorics | Bojan Mohar | 2015 |
Jens Bauch | Simon Fraser University | Number theory and algebraic geometry | Nils Bruin | 2015 |
Julien Courtial | Simon Fraser University | Combinatorics | Marni Mishna | 2014 |
Kui Yu | Simon Fraser University | Feature selection and probabilistic graphical models on high-dimensional data | Jian Pei | 2014 |
Peter Kling | Simon Fraser University | Computer Science and Combinatorics | Petra Berenbrink | 2014 |