The PIMS/UBC Mathematical Sciences Early Career Award was created by two founding donors, Anton Kuipers and Darrell Duffie, to recognize UBC researchers for their leading edge work in mathematics or its applications in the sciences.

The prize is awarded anually to a UBC faculty member who is within 10 years of their PhD on January 1 of the year of nomination. The nomination of an unsuccessful candidate who continues to satisfy the eligibility criterion will remain valid for one further year. However, renewal of nominations, with an updated CV and publication list, and if desired, new letters of support, is strongly encouraged.


Nominator (Your) Details

Please provide your contact details below. We may contact you for more information about your nomination.


Please provide your name.

Nominee Details

Please provide the following information about the person being nominated.


Please provide the full name of the person being nominated.

Please upload a single PDF (join documents beforehand if necessary) containing the following information about the nominee:

  • A letter (1-2 pages) from the nominator outlining the nominee’s research
  • Two additional letters of support, at least one of which is from a reference who is neither a former PhD/postdoc mentor/supervisor nor a collaborator.
  • A recent CV for the nominee

One file only.
24 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.