Call for proposals for PIMS Network-wide Graduate Courses

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) is looking for participants in a pilot program to promote the development and offering of graduate courses available to students across the PIMS network. We invite proposals for graduate courses in the mathematical sciences to be offered during the 2020-2021 academic year to be selected for designation as PIMS Network-wide graduate courses. Courses will be advertised and promoted throughout the member universities and departments. Proposals should focus on the plans for course dissemination (e.g. livestreaming, recording, or both etc). It is expected that students from PIMS member universities in Canada will be able to register for the courses through the Western Deans agreement. In particular, we hope to amplify the variety of expertise in the mathematical sciences and promote courses beyond core graduate offerings.




Faculty participating in this experiment will benefit from a broader reach in their potential audience, and benefit from a discussion on how to best develop future network wide offerings. This will also give some students the opportunity to learn topics that may not be available at their university and have access to experts in advanced mathematical subjects. Course proposals must include the following information:


1. Name of instructor.

2. Title of course.

3. Abstract

4. Course prerequisites.

5. Reference texts

6. Description of how the course will be disseminated network-wide.

7. Grading scheme.

8. Expected student demand across the PIMS network for such a course.

9. Instructor experience with disseminating courses remotely and description of any possible challenges anticipated with the network-wide dissemination.



The deadline for submission is March 15, 2020. Proposals will be reviewed shortly thereafter. Please email your application to