PIMS and CNRS are calling for applications from French researchers for the 2018-19 academic year

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) and the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) are calling for applications from French researchers to spend the 2018-19 academic year at one of PIMS' member universities and to participate in PIMS' research activities. Applicants should be "fonctionnaires titulaires" either at the CNRS or at a French university and priority will be given to junior researchers: “chargés de recherche” or “maîtres de conférences.”

Applications should be sent to Sinnou David, Directeur adjoint scientifique, INSMI (CNRS), and to James Colliander, Director of PIMS, by November 15, 2017. They should include a CV and a list of publications, together with a description of the research project to be completed during the academic year and the names of the PIMS researchers which would be involved in the project. Results will be announced by the spring of 2018.

For French colleagues posted in a laboratory managed by an institute of CNRS other than INSMI, the application should also be sent to the relevant institute. In particular, those working in a INS2I laboratory should copy Anne Doucet at anne.doucet@lip6.fr.
In the case of university faculty, once the application has been accepted, the actual appointment is subject to the person receiving a "delegation au CNRS"  from his/her home institution.

Successful applicants will be sent for one year by the CNRS to the PIMS university where the research is to be carried out, on the understanding that they will be given adequate working conditions, and be treated like local faculty (except for teaching). We encourage researchers at PIMS universities to contact their French counterparts and encourage them to apply. The extent of local support will be a crucial factor in judging the applications.

Sinnou David,
Directeur adjoint scientifique, INSMI (CNRS)
Email: sinnou.david@cnrs-dir.fr

James Colliander,
Director, PIMS (UMI 3069, CNRS)
Email: director@pims.math.ca