PIMS and NCTS forge Canada-Taiwan Agreement to Advance Mathematical Sciences

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS) and the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) announce the formation of a five-year partnership that will promote discovery in mathematical sciences through collaborative research activities.
PIMS, a distributed institute supporting ten universities, has twenty years of experience promoting research, facilitating education outreach and enriching the public’s awareness of mathematics. The member universities of PIMS include the Universities of Alberta, British Columbia, Calgary, Lethbridge, Manitoba, Regina, Saskatchewan, Simon Fraser University and the Universities of Victoria and Washington.

NCTS was established in 1997 by the National Science Council (NSC) and since then, has greatly benefited the community of theoretical sciences in Taiwan. Since 2015, NCTS was restructured substantially and relocated the Mathematics Division to the campus of National Taiwan University at Taipei while the Physics Division remains in the campus of National Tsing Hua University at Hsinchu. Special efforts was made in nutrition young talents and promoting international cooperation during the past two decades.
“This partnership instantly leverages current activities at NCTS and PIMS in differential geometry and the mathematics of information.” said James Colliander, Director of PIMS. “Our agreement widens the opening for researchers in North America and Taiwan to collaborate.”






Clare Kiernan
Communications Manager