Natalia Kouzniak of Simon Fraser University will receive the 2013 PIMS Education Prize

This prize, awarded by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, recognizes individuals who have played a major role in encouraging activities which have enhanced public awareness and appreciation of mathematics, as well as those who foster communication among various groups concerned with mathematical education at all levels.

Dr. Natalia Kouzniak is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University. She has been an inspiration to her colleagues through her dedication to her students and tireless efforts for improving the instruction of mathematics and developing young people’s interest in the subject. In recognition, she was awarded the 2012 SFU Excellence in Teaching Award. For over ten years Dr. Kouzniak has organized and hosted many outreach activities in the Vancouver area and is well known and respected among local high school mathematics teachers. She has organized the annual CMS Math Camps for high school students which always receive rave reviews by the students and also hosts meet and greet events where high school students from the local schools visit Simon Fraser University and sit in on mathematics classes. Dr. Kouzniak also makes regular visits to local high school math classes and brings a few of her favourite math students with her to talk about their experience in university mathematics classes. These "Math Ambassadors" have an important impact on the high school students.


"Natalia Kouzniak is a remarkable educator who has had great impact on students both at the high school and university level. Her dedication to her students is truly amazing and SFU is very fortunate to have such a wonderful colleague. PIMS is delighted to honour her accomplishments," commented Alejandro Adem, PIMS Director.


The 2013 PIMS Education Prize will be awarded on May 10, 2013 during the annual Changing the Culture conference in Vancouver.


Special thanks to CGG/Hampson-Russell for sponsoring the 2013 PIMS Education Prize.