Welcome to mathtube.org!
What is mathtube.org?
It is a new multimedia resource
hosted by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical
Sciences. mathtube.org gives users easy access to
mathematical seminar and lecture materials including videos,
notes and slides. mathtube.org is unique because it allows users
to view slides and video at the same time, but also independently
from one another. View a lecture at your convenience and have
time to review anything that you missed.
Why do we need mathtube.org?
mathtube.org was created to meet the increasing
demand of requests we were receiving to see footage of past PIMS lectures.
mathtube.org gives global exposure to PIMS events and offers those who attended our
lectures the chance to go back and review a particular talk; or those who didn’t, a chance
to see what they’ve missed. This new resource also gives added value to conference
organizers and participants, as well as a great forum to see world-class speakers from all
areas of mathematics and applied mathematics. These materials are an important resource
and include contributions from some of the world’s most distinguished contemporary
mathematicians, for example the PIMS distinguished lectures, PRIMA Conferences and
from the recent Applied Mathematics Perspectives thematic program.
Who is mathtube.org for?
mathtube.org is for those interested and engaged in the
mathematical sciences. Whether you are an undergraduate student, researcher, industry
professional or mathematics school teacher, mathtube.org includes useful content that
will help advance you in your field.
Where are the videos from?
The videos are taken at PIMS member universities and
include speakers from all around the world.
What areas of study does mathtube.org cover?
mathtube.org includes lectures from a very wide range of areas of the mathematical
sciences. mathtube.org features lectures from the PIMS IGTC in Mathematical Biology
and the Collaborative Research Groups (CRG). mathtube.org also includes videos
from education conferences such as ‘Changing the Culture’ which explores topics in
mathematics education.
Check it out today!