SFU Site Director wins Germund Dahlquist Prize

The Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences would like to congratulate Steve Ruuth who was awarded the 2011 SIAM Germund Dahlquist Prize.


Prof Ruuth is the PIMS site director at Simon Fraser University where he is also a Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics.


The following excerpt is taken from the SIAM website:


“The prize, established in 1995, is awarded for original contributions to fields associated with Germund Dahlquist, especially the numerical solution of differential equations and numerical methods for scientific computing.”


PIMS Director Alejandro Adem commented on this award, “The Germund Dahlquist Prize given by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is an outstanding distinction and PIMS is delighted that it has been awarded to Steve Ruuth, who has been doing a remarkable job as PIMS Site Director at SFU. This demonstrates the extraordinarily high quality of research in applied mathematics at SFU and the scientific excellence of our site directors.”