PIMS Summer Math Camps Featured in the Vancouver Sun

The graduation ceremony for the PIMS Summer Math Camps for aboriginal students attending or entering Brittania Secondary School was held at the UBC First Nations House of Learning on August 15 and it was featured by the Vancouver Sun. The article noted that no aboriginal student in recent memory has made it to the Grade 12 math course at Britannia secondary. Vicki Vidas, Head of the Mathematics Department at Britannia said, "The whole point is to get more aboriginal children into high school and get them to graduate. The challenge is to get them into university." This year, there will be three graduates from the PIMS Summer Camp program entering Grade 12 math at Britannia armed with the tools for success. The Junior Math Camp at Britannia prepared 19 children for Grade 8 mathematics.

PIMS, with support from the BC Government, the Vancouver Foundation, the Department of Mathematics at UBC as well as private sponsors, ran both Junior and Senior Camps over 6 weeks this summer. Summer camps for aboriginal students were also organized by PIMS at schools in Kamloops and in Lytton. This program is a partnership between PIMS and schools in British Columbia.

For more information on the PIMS math summer camps please email education@pims.math.ca