UBC Math Department Colloquium: Lior Gishboliner
Global-to-local problems in discrete structures
Extremal graph theory studies the question of how dense a graph (or hypergraph) can globally be while still avoiding a given local structure. This global-to-local theme is also a key feature of the field of property testing, which deals with the design of randomized "election-polling"-type algorithms which infer global information about a graph from local samples. I will survey several interconnected topics in extremal graph theory and property testing, focusing on the influential Brown-Erdos-Sos conjecture and the removal lemma. I will also present new results on these topics.
Additional Information
This is a hybrid event. (Zoom passcode: 636252).
Note: There will be a reception (tea/coffee and snacks) in ESB 4133 (PIMS Lounge) before the Colloquium, beginning at 3:30pm.