UVic-PIMS Distinguished Lecturer Colloquium: Belaid Moa
A novel evolutionary, ensemble method for intrusion detection
In this talk, we will share a new evolutionary but ensemble method, that enable us to track different regimes of behavior and identify when the changes occurred. As opposed to traditional methods that relies on statistical change tracking to detect intrusions, we use the performance, and the predictive power of evolving models to detect when and which models can or cannot describe the observations anymore. By doing so, we obtain a much fine-grain, more adaptive outlier detection algorithm that can reliably model data while being robust to its variations. The algorithm can be viewed as an evolutionary algorithm with growth and new generation capabilities, but it is special in the sense that it includes ensemble of models with performance measures and age decay corrections to evolve and compare models. For some special cases, the algorithm can be related to Bayesian Change Point techniques.
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