PIMS MSS Colloquium: Richard Craster
Metasurface and metamaterial design using mathematics
A revolution has been underway in wave physics in recent years based around concepts of resonance and microstructured media often coupled with periodicity. This has resulted in materials known as metamaterials that have, for instance, negative refractive index and have consequences for the design of, say, flat lenses or surfaces that can manipulate sound or light in unusual ways.
Here I will give an overview of this in the context of asymptotic approaches, homogenization methods and isospectral twinning showing how mathematics can play a role in the understanding of these effects and in the design of devices.
Additional Information
Location: Online. Join Zoom meeting (Passcode: MSS).
Time: 3.30pm Mountain/ 2.30pm Pacific
Richard Craster, Imperial College London
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
March 9, 2023