Changing the Culture 2022
Logical Thinking, Mathematical Thinking, Computational Thinking: What is the Difference?
The annual Changing the Culture Conference, organized and sponsored by the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, brings together mathematicians, mathematics educators and school teachers from all levels to work together towards narrowing the gap between mathematicians and teachers of mathematics, and between those who do and enjoy mathematics and those who think they don't.
Additional Information
For the third time, the conference will be held on line. Recordings will be made available below when they are available.
Conference Program: (All times in PDT)
9:00 Opening Remarks
9:05 Plenary Talk: Logic in K − 12 John Baldwin, University of Illinois, Chicago
We will give examples from grade 1 to through high school where the logical insights of the last century impact classroom teaching. We include both "do's and don'ts". These examples range through such topics as "equals" vs "evaluate" vs "solve", "why multiplication is not JUST repeated addition", "lies my teacher told me", "identities, equalities and quantifiers", and "Is it true that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 90o". We will briefly discuss the place of formal logic in the secondary school.
10:05 Networking Break
10:20 Presentation of the 2022 PIMS Education Award
10:30 Panel Discussion: Logical Thinking, Mathematical Thinking, Computational Thinking?
- Cathy Marks Krpan, U of Toronto/OISE
- Jayadev Athreya, PIMS
- Erica Huang, UBC
- Susan Oesterle, Douglas College
- Moderator: Melania Alvarez
12:15 Closing Remarks