Canadian Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium
This weekend conference will bring together algebraic geometers of Western Canada in order to build and strengthen collaborations, disseminate research, and contribute to the training of students and postdoctoral fellows. Talks will be given by 8 respected algebraic geometers. Over half of the speakers will be from the region in order to paint a representative picture of the research being done in Western Canada. The remaining speakers will be renowned external lecturers, serving to keep the Western Canadian algebraic geometry community apprised of recent developments. There will also be a poster session for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their work.
Nils Bruin (SFU)
Jim Bryan (UBC)
Susan Cooper (Manitoba)
Cameron Franc (Saskatchewan)
Elana Kalashnikov (Harvard)
Allen Knutson (Cornell)
Matthew Satriano (Waterloo)
Adam Topaz (Alberta)
Additional Information
Poster presentations and travel funding:
There will be a poster session for anyone interested in presenting their work. Graduate students and postdocs who wish to be considered for partial funding, should email by Feb. 3, 2020. The email should include one paragraph about you and your career stage, and whether or not youwill present a poster.
This event is free though registration is required. Please create a PIMS Account by clicking the "Login" button at the end of this page; then return to this page to "Sign-up".