PIMS-SFU Applied & Computational Mathematics Seminar: Sookyung Lim
How do E. coli cells swim? - Mathematical modeling and analysis
Peritrichously flagellated bacteria such as E. coli swim in a fluid environment by rotating motors embedded in the cell membrane and consequently rotating multiple helical flagella. We present a mathematical model of a microswimmer that can freely run by a flagellar bundle and tumble upon motor reversals. We demonstrate that the hook compliance and the counter-rotation of the cell body enhance flagellar bundling. Moreover, longer hooks in the mutant cell model create the instability and disrupt bundling process and hence reorientation of the swimming direction. Our simulation results conclusively show that the physical and geometrical conditions of cells are optimized for swimming.
Additional Information
Friday, September 27, 2019
Room: K9509
3:00 pm
Sookyung Lim, U. Cincinnati
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
September 27, 2019