Department of Computer Science Colloquium: Dr. Gilles Barthe
From Provable Security to Secure Cryptographic Implementations
Building secure cryptographic implementations is notoriously hard. In this talk, I will outline a general methodology that delivers formal guarantees on assembly-level implementations through a combination of ideas from deductive program verification, program analysis, and verified compilation. I will also outline the relevance of formal methods and programming languages in the broader context of cryptography.
Additional Information
Dr. Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute
Presenter's Bio:
Gilles Barthe is a research professor at the IMDEA Software Institute. His research interests include logic, formal verification, programming languages, and security. His current work focuses on developing formal verification methods for cryptography and differential privacy, and on relational program verification.
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
May 9, 2018