PIMS-ULethbridge Distinguished Visitor: Jean-Marc Deshouillers
The first introductory lecture may be followed as a colloquium talk, independent of the subsequent lectures. Lectures 1 and 2 are independent. Lectures 3 and 4 are independent, but each of them depends on Lecture 2. The lectures will be completed by some “tutorials” on a very flexible programme, e.g. to give requested details, to present examples of automatic and non-automatic sequences, invertible automata, some hints of the proof of Cobham’s theorem...
Additional Information
Jean-Marc Deshouillers (Université Bordeaux)
Professor Deshouillers is a world expert in analytic, combinatorial, additive, and probabilistic number theory. He has published over a hundred influential research papers and has trained an exceptional generation of analytic number theorists in France.