PIMS - SFU CS Seminar: Hongkai Zhao
A scaling law for the intrinsic complexity of high frequency wave fields, random fields and random matrices
We characterize the intrinsic complexity of a set S in a metric space W by the least dimension N (epsilon) of a linear space V ⊂ W that can approximate S to an epsilon error. We show a scaling law for N (epsilon) for high frequency wave fields in term of the wavelength, for random fields in term of the correlation length, and for a set of random vectors in terms of the dimension.
Additional Information
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Room: K9509
11:30 am
Hongkai Zhao, UC Irvine
Hongkai Zhao, UC Irvine
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
March 13, 2018