Summer School on Differential Equations and Nonlinear Analysis
A summer school for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows will held during the first three days of the Americas XI conference (August 12-14, 2017). Tutorial lectures are given by experts in differential equations and nonlinear analysis
Tutorial lecturers:
Walter Craig (McMaster) Hamiltonian PDE and water waves
Rafael de la Llave (Georgia Tech) Invariant manifolds: Theory and computation
Hildebrando Rodrigues (Sao Carlos) Synchronization and Applications Konstantin Mischaikow (Rutgers) High Dimensional Data, Dynamics of Spatial Structures, and Persistent Homology
Noemi Wolanski (Buenos Aries) Reaction-diffusion processes, singular perturbation and free boundary problems
Jianhong Wu (York) Modeling dynamic spread patterns of diseases in nature communicable to men