Cascade RAIN
The RAIN Meet is a gathering of researchers for rapid and informal communication of ongoing research activities in computational and applied mathematics in the northwest region. It is intended to complement the PNWNAS, which feature longer lectures by fewer invited speakers.
Confirmed speakers:
Thomas Humphries, 'Superiorized algorithm for metal artifact reduction'. Joe Umhofer (OSU), 'How to choose a Stokes solver for upscaled results.' Bamdad Hosseini (SFU) 'An MCMC algorithm for Bayesian inference with self-decomposable priors.'
Paulina Sepulveda (PSU), 'Elasticity equations in a flume model.'
Nilima Nigam (SFU), 'Bayesian optimization in shape optimization'
Jeff Ovall (PSU), 'Efficient evaluation of the Dirichlet problem and its derivatives.'
Marie Graff-Kray (UBC),'Adaptive eigenspace method for inverse scattering problems in the frequency domain.'
Ben Adcock (SFU), 'Approximating smooth, high-dimensional functions in irregular domains.'
Jay Gopalakrishnan (PSU) 'Space-time DPG for the Schrodinger equation.' Kirill Voronin (PSU), 'Meshing and visualization in 4-D'.
Bala Krishnamoorty (WSU), 'Image correspondence recovery via binary quadratic programming (PQB).'
Ben Rapone (WSU), 'Minimum homotopy area.'
Harri Hakula (Aalto U.), 'Seductive FEM benchmarks or how I learned to love Geometric Function Theory.'
Roland Herzog (UBC), 'SUBMINRES: an extended implementation of MINRES to monitor residual subvector norms.'
Ralph Showalter (OSU), 'Consolidation of a sedimentary basin.'
Sebastian Dominguez (SFU), 'Jones modes.'