PIMS Lunchbox Lecture: Dr. Mariel Lavieri
Chronic disease management often involves sequential decisions that have long-term implications. Those decisions are based on high dimensional information, which pose a problem for traditional modeling paradigms. In some key instances, the disease dynamics might not be known, but instead are learned as new information becomes available. As a first step, we will describe some of the ongoing research modeling medical decisions of patients with chronic conditions. Key to the models developed is the incorporation of the individual patient's disease dynamics into the parameterization of the models of the disease state evolution. Model conception and validation is described, as well as the role of multidisciplinary collaborations in ensuring practical impact of this work.
Biography: Dr. Mariel Lavieri is an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. She has bachelor's degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering and Statistics and a minor in String Bass Performance from the University of Florida. She holds a Masters and PhD in Management Science from the University of British Columbia. In her work, she applies operations research to healthcare topics. Among others, Dr. Lavieri has developed dynamic programming, stochastic control, and continuous, partially observable state space models to guide screening, monitoring and treatment decisions of chronic disease patients. She has also created models for health workforce and capacity planning. Dr. Lavieri is the recipient of the 2016 National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the 2013 International Conference on Operations Research Young Participant with Most Practical Impact Award, and the 2006 Bonder Scholarship. She received the 2009 Pierskalla Best Paper Award, and an honorary mention in the 2010 George B.
Dantzig Dissertation Award. She participated in the 2016 Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the National Academy of Engineering. Dr. Lavieri has mentored students who won the 2012 Doing Good with Good OR, the 2013 Society for Medical Decision Making Lee Lusted Award, the 2015 IBM Research Service Science Best Student Paper Award, and the 2016 Production and Operations Management Society College of Healthcare Operations Management Best Paper Award.
A video of this event is available on mathtube.org
.Additional Information
Sign-up Deadline: 12:00pm February 20, 2017
The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is grateful to Alberta Advanced Education and Technology, and the University of Calgary for their support of this series of lectures.
Dr. Mariel Lavieri, University of Michigan