PIMS-USASK Graduate Summer School: Applied Combinatorics
Applied Combinatorics
The Applied Combinatorics summer school is a two week program of minicourses and exploration sessions. It is designed to give students state of the art knowledge of combinatorial techniques and open problems in physics, chemistry and biology.
The program is suitable for graduate students in combinatorics as well as those who are interested in using combinatorial tools in their work.
Additional Information
Website: http://math.usask.ca/appliedcomb
Registration Deadline: March 15, 2015
Contact: appliedcomb@math.usask.ca
Survey: Please help PIMS to improve the quality of its events and plan for the future by filling out this quick survey.
Thomas Prellberg, Queen Mary University of London
Éric Fusy, École Polytechnique
Erik Panzer, Institute des Hautes Études Scientifiques
Christine Heitsch, Georgia Institute of Technology
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Summer School
May 18–29, 2015