Discrete Math Seminar: Jane Wodlinger
Wavelength Isolation Sequence Pairs: New Progress on an Abandoned Problem
In the early 1950s, Golay considered the problem of measuring radiation of a particular wavelength in the presence of background radiation, and defined a type of binary sequence pair that could be used in the design of a suitable measuring device. However, the scarcity of examples of such pairs led Golay to speculate that further examples do not exist, and to turn his attention to an alternative solution to the design problem. In this talk, we present examples of these sequence pairs, which we call wavelength isolation sequence pairs, for two new lengths. Further, we establish some structural constraints on
these pairs and describe amethod whereby each of the known examples can be constructed from a perfect Golomb ruler.
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This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
April 3, 2012