Summer School Workshop on Stochastic and Probabilistic methods for atmosphere, ocean, and climate dynamics
This PIMS workshop is intended for graduate students, post-docs, and young researchers in applied math and atmosphere/ocean sciences who are interested in the application of stochastic and probabilistic modelling and analysis techniques for atmosphere/ocean dynamics.
The air of this PIMS workshop is to bring together university based scientists and operational modelers working on or using stochastic and/or probalistic models in atmospheric, oceans and climate dynamics and to foster new interactions and learn from each other.
Graduate students, post-docs, and young researchers are especially encouraged to attend.
Financial aid and accommodation will be provided for eligible students and post-docs. The deadline for application is May 15, 2008.
Additional Information
Financial Aid (for students and post-docs)
Students and post-docs who are attending the workshop are invited to apply for financial aid to cover their accommodation cost in the UVic Student Residences (Bed and Breakfast), a food allowance of up $100, and a travel allowance to be determined according to the distance traveled. Please specify the city you are traveling from and if possible an estimate of the expected air fare. We may cover only some percentage of your air fare.
To apply, please fill in the application form (which will soon be available on the registration page) and provide your resume with the list of publications if any, and name and affiliation of your supervisor. Also provide a description of your research area (a few key
Venue: Downtown Victoria, Coast Victoria Harborside Hotel
Accommodation: A limited number of rooms are reserved for the workshop attendees at a discount rate of $154 per night.
Eligible students and post-docs will stay in the student residences on the UVic campus.
Location and Local Transportation Information
Location and Local Transportation Information
The PIMS UVic Office is located on the University of Victoria campus in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Campus maps may be viewed at Flights with major airlines can be booked through to the Victoria International Airport. (Link)
Ground transportation information (Link) is also available. We recommend the Akal Airport Shuttle (250-386-2525) for single travelers. Ask the driver to drop you off at the UVic Housing Office. For groups of two or more, a taxi is cost effective and more convenient than the shuttle.
You can also catch a ferry from the the British Columbia mainland on the BC Ferries (Link) and enjoy a 90-minute cruise through the beautiful Gulf Islands. The BC Ferries dock at Swartz Bay north of the airport.
From Washington State you can catch either the catamaran Clipper (Link) from Seattle or the Coho Ferry (Link) from Port Angeles. Both ferries dock in the inner harbour downtown Victoria.
Directions to PIMS at UVic
* Downtown Victoria to UVic by bus #4 (Link)
* Downtown Victoria to UVic by bus #11 (Link)
* Downtown Victoria to UVic by bus #14 (Link)
* Swartz Bay to downtown Victoria by bus #70 (Link)
Vancouver Airport to Victoria by coach & ferry (Link)
City of Victoria (Link)
BC Transit (Public Bus Information) (Link)
Please click here to register.
Andrew J. Majda (Courant Institute)Prashant Sardeshmukh (NOAA)George Craig (DLR, Germany)Joe Tribbia (NCAR) Greg Holloway (Inst. Ocean Sciences)Nedjeljka Zagar (National Centre for Atmospheric Research NCAR)Kirsten Zickfled (U of Vic)