Emergent Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar

PIMS is pleased to present an ongoing lecture series featuring our Postdoctoral Fellows. These lectures provide an opportunity to connect with emerging research in the mathematical sciences from a PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow. PIMS PDFs are amongst the top young researchers in Canada, and this is an excellent opportunity to learn about them and their work.

The PIMS PDF program sponsors positions across the PIMS network each year. Outstanding young researchers are invited to apply through our mathjobs page. Applicants must be sponsored by a scientist or department affiliated with PIMS, please see the mathjobs posting for details.

These events are shared online. To participate, please see the individual events for connection details. Please also see our effective virtual events document for tips on getting the most out of PIMS online events.

All talks are 9:30 AM Pacific/ 10:30 AM Mountain / 11:30 AM Central

These seminars are recorded, and the recordings are available on mathtube.org. Please note: PIMS reserves the right to restrict participation in online or in-person.

Past Seminars

Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Mahsa N Shirazi
February 8, 2023
University of Manitoba
For r ≥ 1, a graph has r-friendship property if every pair of vertices has exactly r common neighbours. The motivation for this definition is from the friendship theorem, which is on the graphs with 1-friendship property. The friendship theorem...
Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Nabarun Deb
February 1, 2023
University of British Columbia
In recent years, the problem of optimal transport has received significant attention in statistics and machine learning due to its powerful geometric properties. In this talk, we introduce the optimal transport problem and present concrete...
Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Guodong Gai
January 25, 2023
Abstract: We investigate the interaction between a Platonic solid and an unbounded inertial flow. For a fixed Platonic particle in the flow, we consider three different angular positions: face facing the flow, edge facing the flow, and corner facing...
Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Natalie Behague
May 25, 2022
The semi-random graph process can be thought of as a one player game. Starting with an empty graph on n vertices, in each round a random vertex u is presented to the player, who chooses a vertex v and adds the edge uv to the graph (hence 'semi-random...
Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Amy Wiebe
April 20, 2022
A classical question in polytope theory is whether an abstract polytope can be realized as a concrete convex object. Beyond dimension 3, there seems to be no concise answer to this question in general. In specific instances, answering the question in...